The Benefits of Drinking Water for Your Skin

The Benefits of Drinking Water for Your Skin

Medically reviewed by Dr. Kate Shuster, Galen Dermatology

Drinking enough water is key to maintain our overall health. Since our skin is the largest organ in our body and the cells in our organs are made up of water, we need it to function. Making sure we stay hydrated is important in maintaining our skin health. Drinking more water can improve elasticity, flush toxins, and reduce oil production—all helping to achieve a clearer and brighter skin tone!

Elasticity helps our skin fight gravity and stay youthful. As we grow older, our skin naturally slows down its production of collagen which gives skin its elasticity. Since water is a key component of collagen, it’s important to drink enough water every day to maintain youthful skin and prevent sagging or wrinkles!

Today, the air around us whether indoors or outdoors is full of pollutants which can negatively impact our skin health. Water plays an important role in cleansing our bodies specifically from free radicals which are produced in our bodies due to these pollutants. Make sure to drink an extra glass to help your body cleanse itself!

Have oily skin? You may think you don’t need to hydrate your skin as much, but if you don’t take the steps to keep your body hydrated, it may be triggered to create even more oil! When you drink the right amount of water, your body will be able to regulate its oil production in a healthy manner and you may see your skin becoming less oily over time!

Maintaining Hydrated Skin

Here are some steps you can take to maintain healthy, hydrated skin:

  1. Moisturize immediately after taking a bath, shower, or washing your hands
  2. Use a gentle cleanser and try a hyaluronic acid before applying moisturizer—hyaluronic acid can help hold water in your skin
  3. Drink more water! You should be drinking at least 8 glasses a day to get rid of toxins.
  4. Wear gloves when going out in cold weather

Remember, nothing will happen overnight, but a good habit once maintained will have you seeing results for a lifetime!

If you are concerned about dry skin or want to learn more about your skincare routine, make an appointment with our board-certified dermatologist, Dr. Kate Shuster, today! During the month of January, Galen Dermatology is hosting a Winter Cosmetics Sale where you may be able to find the skin products you need to retain your skin moisture! Call our office for more information.